Welcome to my web-site

      For personal reasons I have decided to change the topics of my 
      collection and for that reason I would like to significantly reduce my
      collector´s items..

      This web-site is still under construction, but a first list in German is
      available at the following page.


                                  Please click here to see my list..

Click here to go to the download page










Helmut Engel - Dweerblöcken 23 - D 22393 Hamburg
Tel: + 49 (0)40 - 60 18 66 0 - Fax: + 49 (0)40 - 61 18 78 20
E-mail: helmut.engel.hamburg@t-online.de

keywors sind:orden,ehrenzeichen,auszeichnungen,urkunden,ausweise,buecher,fotos,uniformen,stahlhelme,muetzen,saebel,dolche,bajonette,koppelschloesser,dokumente,porzellan,bestecke,patriotisches,reservistica



webdesign Christian Offermann, Mexico/Germany
last update: 18. Mai 04

uniforms,belt buckles,decorations,badges,awards,documents,caps,steelhelmets,equipment,insignia,miniatures,edged weapons,
military books,photo albums,Wehrpasses,soldbooks,citations,pins,visor hats